sajer je nk update..xde mnde nk citer pn.
sbb ni tgh on9, n nk jd kan satu2 nye entry yg d wat mse kt ganu..
n dh pn berjaye d wat..yes!!yes!!
nk cite psl cuti, tgg balik umah karang.
nk wat entry t e r p a n j a n g d mesia..huhu
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Sunday, May 25, 2008
d time has come!!
yes, d time to start travelling has come!
i wont be at home for at least a week..
but, hopefully can merayau2 for 2 weeks b4 comeback home.
d destination as being said b4, PANTAI TIMUR area.
first stop will be Kemaman, umah pisang.
then, not decided yet..huhu
tp yg penting, cutiku br bermula!!yihaaa
i wont be at home for at least a week..
but, hopefully can merayau2 for 2 weeks b4 comeback home.
d destination as being said b4, PANTAI TIMUR area.
first stop will be Kemaman, umah pisang.
then, not decided yet..huhu
tp yg penting, cutiku br bermula!!yihaaa
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
4 thumbs up!!

td g tgk narnia 2:prince caspian..-->alone
ngah ngah ngah..citer ke-3 tgk sorg2 sepnjg cuti ni.
seriusly mmg best, a lot of improvement dr d 1st one.
jln citer xleh nk kate ape, mmg syok..die nye CG n d war scene really superb, fabulous, fantastic, well done!! not to mention d grown up lucy..
die la yg plg nmpk peningkatan usia sbb children do grow faster..die dh x secomel dl, tp stil ade comel itu, jgn risau..
my komen is lebih realistik dr yg 1st, sbb rse yg dl tu mse nk mule perang mcm byk gle makhluk tp time zoom-in kt tgh 'medan peperangan' tu, nmpk sket je org..
n d tetibe aslan smpai n terkam d white witch tu..THE END, full stop.
tp kali ni best la tp xleh nk citer lebih, lu g tgk sndr keyh..
note: tmpt dlm cite tu sgt lawa!! nk g gk..

NARNIA, the Lion, the Wich n the Wardrobe (atas)
NARNIA, Prince Caspian (tepi)
Monday, May 19, 2008
Start TRAVELLING ! ! !
cuti ni sgt2 xde bnde menarik berlaku. hr2 duk umah men game, surf tenet, merayau2 nek moto n i like d part nek beskal pg2 around kampung, d atmosphere is so syokkk..
u can hear birds chirping, see d elders working at kebun getah as early as 7, wit fogs.. oh really tranquillizing my mind, n a healthy excercise in d morning! ^-^
tp plg x best ble dh xde mnde sgt nk wat, ur mind goes sumwhere n start to think about craps.
asek t'igt bnde2 yg x mgkn, so it adds sadness to myself time cuti. huhu..
so b4 it gets any worse, i've decided to end my break wit sumthing most memorable moment, it's to start my tour to pantai timur!! dh lme x g sane.
hope d plan works out well, dun want juz plan n plan n nothing in d end..
wit d hols only got around 7 weeks left, so d sooner diz program can start, d better.
really hope 2 fill up myself wit merrier memories so it wont remind me about the thing-i-shud-not-think-about-seriously-so-i-wont-feel-like-i'm-useless thing.
my frens there, plz support diz healthy activity of mine by let me stay in ur place!!
-->to cut off hotel n food expenses, haha..
u can hear birds chirping, see d elders working at kebun getah as early as 7, wit fogs.. oh really tranquillizing my mind, n a healthy excercise in d morning! ^-^
tp plg x best ble dh xde mnde sgt nk wat, ur mind goes sumwhere n start to think about craps.
asek t'igt bnde2 yg x mgkn, so it adds sadness to myself time cuti. huhu..
so b4 it gets any worse, i've decided to end my break wit sumthing most memorable moment, it's to start my tour to pantai timur!! dh lme x g sane.
hope d plan works out well, dun want juz plan n plan n nothing in d end..
wit d hols only got around 7 weeks left, so d sooner diz program can start, d better.
really hope 2 fill up myself wit merrier memories so it wont remind me about the thing-i-shud-not-think-about-seriously-so-i-wont-feel-like-i'm-useless thing.
my frens there, plz support diz healthy activity of mine by let me stay in ur place!!
-->to cut off hotel n food expenses, haha..
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Is it WORTH it ? ? ?
i wonder why i still keep waiting.
but, even so..
i'll wait for her.
i won't forget her.
so i thought.
it sounds silly..
..but i meant every single word.
i wonder why i still keep waiting.
but, even so..
i'll wait for her.
i won't forget her.
so i thought.
it sounds silly..
..but i meant every single word.
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Another Weeeeekend
another weekend came across my hols..haha..
means dat i've been a successful graper for 5 weeks oledi..!!
CONGRATZ to me,wuhuuu..
11 may, it is a MOTHER'S DAY today~
have u wished it to ur mom? after all she has done for all of us all these years..
u better go wish dat a.s.a.p.
we all celebr8 it last night..
at my grandma's home sweet home, wit my aunts n uncles.
had a really fun bbq, complete wit cake.. =)
udang (bsr2, sgt best), kerang, ayam, nugget, sausage, bla bla...
sgt byk mknn, x larat..
after finished up cleaning, it's already 12..
thought wanna go back n hv a nice sleep, tp de s'thing menarek yg tlh menarek kaki ni x bg balik..
ktrg meneruskan xtvt ngan klas mlm, fortune telling class!! huhu..
my aunt brings her friend, a writer my mom told me, n she knows how to do 'diz thing'..
juz ask what we wanna know, about works, study n so on-so on..even luv story pun can lah!
wats so interesting is dat she used matches.
yeah, we cannot believe in it, but we all did try juz for fun..ske2 je wat
ye la, ble lg tah nk dpt peluang kan, better try than regret, rite?
kul 2 br stop, tok bomoh dh pnat (ni pn limit 3Qs seorg) --> i asked 1.
kalau x, dak2 ni mne tau nk stop..haha
another delightful moment along my hols~
means dat i've been a successful graper for 5 weeks oledi..!!
CONGRATZ to me,wuhuuu..
11 may, it is a MOTHER'S DAY today~
have u wished it to ur mom? after all she has done for all of us all these years..
u better go wish dat a.s.a.p.
we all celebr8 it last night..
at my grandma's home sweet home, wit my aunts n uncles.
had a really fun bbq, complete wit cake.. =)
udang (bsr2, sgt best), kerang, ayam, nugget, sausage, bla bla...
sgt byk mknn, x larat..
after finished up cleaning, it's already 12..
thought wanna go back n hv a nice sleep, tp de s'thing menarek yg tlh menarek kaki ni x bg balik..
ktrg meneruskan xtvt ngan klas mlm, fortune telling class!! huhu..
my aunt brings her friend, a writer my mom told me, n she knows how to do 'diz thing'..
juz ask what we wanna know, about works, study n so on-so on..even luv story pun can lah!
wats so interesting is dat she used matches.
yeah, we cannot believe in it, but we all did try juz for fun..ske2 je wat
ye la, ble lg tah nk dpt peluang kan, better try than regret, rite?
kul 2 br stop, tok bomoh dh pnat (ni pn limit 3Qs seorg) --> i asked 1.
kalau x, dak2 ni mne tau nk stop..haha
another delightful moment along my hols~
Monday, May 5, 2008
n g a n t u k ~
just arrived at home from s'pore..
pnat + ngantuk + sakit kaki = mau tdo!!
tp x brp nk ngantok, so m'update sket.
pnat + ngantuk + sakit kaki = mau tdo!!
tp x brp nk ngantok, so m'update sket.
Friday, May 2, 2008
Opps Kereje!!
2nd MAY 2008
diz morning i've started my job hunting programme.
with me is my friend mr. Farique.
p'carian b'mule seawl 11pg (lmbt gk sbnr nye).
g ampang, g wangsa maju..
but due to certain reasons, we didn't make it.
--> due2 segan2 nk msuk tnye keje, cmne nk dpt!!
alahai..graper jgk la smpai abes cuti..
2nd MAY 2008
diz morning i've started my job hunting programme.
with me is my friend mr. Farique.
p'carian b'mule seawl 11pg (lmbt gk sbnr nye).
g ampang, g wangsa maju..
but due to certain reasons, we didn't make it.
--> due2 segan2 nk msuk tnye keje, cmne nk dpt!!
alahai..graper jgk la smpai abes cuti..
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