td g tgk narnia 2:prince caspian..-->alone
ngah ngah ngah..citer ke-3 tgk sorg2 sepnjg cuti ni.
seriusly mmg best, a lot of improvement dr d 1st one.
jln citer xleh nk kate ape, mmg syok..die nye CG n d war scene really superb, fabulous, fantastic, well done!! not to mention d grown up lucy..
die la yg plg nmpk peningkatan usia sbb children do grow faster..die dh x secomel dl, tp stil ade comel itu, jgn risau..
my komen is lebih realistik dr yg 1st, sbb rse yg dl tu mse nk mule perang mcm byk gle makhluk tp time zoom-in kt tgh 'medan peperangan' tu, nmpk sket je org..
n d suddenly-ended-war..cam tetibe aslan smpai n terkam d white witch tu..THE END, full stop.
tp kali ni best la tp xleh nk citer lebih, lu g tgk sndr keyh..
note: tmpt dlm cite tu sgt lawa!! nk g gk..

NARNIA, the Lion, the Wich n the Wardrobe (atas)
NARNIA, Prince Caspian (tepi)
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